
Welcome to Urban Tree Management, we are a caring, committed company of Arboriculturists and Horticulturists who professionally meet the challenges for the management of trees with people in our dynamic urban environment with a range of comprehensive reporting services. We offer services mainly in the Sydeny, Newcastle and Wollongong regions, however, we do offer our services to other regions upon application.

Company Profile

The Urban Tree Management team of consultants has more than 35 years of experience in the Arboricultural and Horticultural industry and with a co-operative approach is able to work on many projects with other professionals such as Environmental Manager, Architects, Landscape Architects and Development Project Managers to achieve the best multi-disciplinary outcomes. Reporting and consultancy services from individual properties to large development sites, and issues with a single tree to large stands of trees providing solutions for trees and people and the integration of trees and development into a sustainable urban forest. Urban Tree Management is a foundation member of the professional Consultants association the Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists (IACA). We also extensive experience and conduct comprehensive assessment, analysis, and reporting on the causation of wounds to trees, assisting to achieve the best multi-disciplinary outcomes with Archaeologists, Aboriginal stakeholders, and land managers to determine their Aboriginal cultural origin or occurrence from many other sources.    

Years of Experience
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An extensive range of services, to individuals, companies and all levels of government including, policy advice, preliminary site assessments, pre-purchase site consultations, hazardous trees risk assessment, Development Application assessment, expert witness, tree valuations, heritage properties, root mapping interpretation, ongoing site management of trees for protection on development sites, tree survey assessments, onsite consultations, comprehensive tree reports, experienced professionals – Land & Environment Court, insurance claims, project management, significant tree reports and structural integrity reports on trees from resistance drilling tests with a Resistograph as part of our thorough and holistic tree assessments. Tree wound assessment, detailed analysis, and comprehensive reporting.    

Recent Projects

Biennial inspection of trunk, buttress root, and crown of trees in the central corridor of Hyde Park North and Hyde Park South, testing by resistance drilling with Resistograph, provision of comprehensive reporting of scientific findings for Tree Risk Assessment and Tree Management.

Project Arborists, liaise with contractor, provide supervision, monitoring, and reporting for submission to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to manage trees within the project envelope to minimise harm to trees throughout the project.

Inspection of trunk, buttress root, testing by resistance drilling with Resistograph, provision of comprehensive reporting of scientific findings for Tree Risk Assessment and Tree Management.

Independent Arborists with APP Corporation, liaise with Joint Venture Contractors Project Arborists at Design stage, Construction stage, and at Systems operation and management stage. Provide supervision, monitoring, and advice for urban tree management to TfNSW throughout the project. Developed and maintained the Independent Arborist (IA) Tree Register for the project, co-ordinating all works to trees within the project envelope and prepare register submissions to TfNSW for submission to the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and then issue consent to the Joint Venture Contractors conduct works to trees subject to project consent conditions. Monitor works conducted to trees and provide conciliatory advice to minimise harm to trees during the project.

Arboricultural Assessment, and preparation of a comprehensive Report for Tree Assessment and Protection Specifications for protection subject to works encroaching the Tree Protection Zone of a heritage listed tree.

Tree Management and Risk Assessment for 9 Railway Stations.

Arboricultural Assessment and comprehensive reporting of Scarred Tree/s.

Arboricultural Assessment and comprehensive reporting of Scarred Tree/s.

Tree Assessment and Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report and associated reports for Hoarding and Scaffold installation for demolition and bulk excavation works.

Arboricultural Assessment and comprehensive reporting of Scarred Tree/s.

Arboricultural Assessment and comprehensive assessment reporting of Scarred Tree/s.

Contact Us

If you wish to access our services please complete the form below and we will respond to you when available. Alternatively, please Danny on 0418 471 806. 

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